The Best Creative Job
Starts Here!

Ready to begin your journey to the best creative role ever?

Make Relish is changing lives through our creative products and services. Keep reading to get more information and check out the requirements below! All open roles are Independent Contractor roles within our organization. Keep in mind that candidates are required to be available during the US Time zone! 

Our Openings

Please be aware that all official correspondence from our recruiting team regarding job applications will come from a or email address. If you receive any communication from a different domain, please disregard it and report it to us immediately

Relish Your Experience With These Perks!

Sample Works

Who We Are Looking For

First, Make Relish is anything but typical. We’re a group of hard-working, creativity-loving individuals from around the world. You will work directly with our customers to make the best creative work they’ve seen in their lives! 

Do we love pickles, too? Most of us! But don’t stress if pickles aren’t your thing. It’s not a deal-breaker. We do look for passion and interest in something though because our uniqueness is what helped make us into the great company we are today.

We stand by our vision, purpose, and values, and these are mission-critical to how you show up every single day.


Yes, you can apply! Just let us know if you need any notice period to fully transition to working with us! Keep in mind that this work entails availability to meet customer requests as needed, so if you plan to stay under your current employer while working with us, it’s important to manage your time well to meet deliverables and deadlines. 

Of course, everyone is welcome to apply as long as they’re able to meet the requirements, adapt to our processes, are comfortable with video conferencing, and apply from the countries specified in our open roles. Just make sure you’re within the legal working age from where you’re located.

At our organization, we take great pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. We celebrate the unique qualities and experiences that each person brings to the table. We are committed to hiring based on merit alone and do not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic than being a great creator.

It depends on the complexity of each request, it’s not the same to add a watermark into an existing picture as to create an illustration from scratch! However, here is a link to some of our Work Samples. You can also refer to our Official Scope of Work for the requests we handle and the limitations. 

No. We don’t require a certain educational attainment. As long as you meet the requirements and qualifications listed in the role description, you can apply!

Yes! It’s open to citizens of Philippines, Mexico, Colombia, Indonesia, Argentina, Peru, Malaysia, regardless of their nationality, but with proof that you reside in any of those countries. Keep in mind that the openings available are for Independent Contractor roles in said countries. However, we do not provide a work visa or anything like that.

If you nail your application, you will be selected to become part of our active pool of creatives and whenever we have a start date for you, we will let you know.

Sometimes it can take a few weeks or even months for us to get you started. But don’t worry, we’ll keep you on hold if you pass this process and we’ll reach out with a start date as soon as we can!

If you are rejected at any of the stages of the process, we will provide you with feedback, so if you wish to reapply in the future you are welcome to do so!

Our Tests were created for screening purposes only. Keep in mind that we don’t pay for taking the tests, since this is one of the few ways we can see if you’re fit for the role.

All the output submitted will never be used for any other purposes and will not be accessible to anyone outside the Make Relish hiring panel.

Brine will determine if you are fit to continue working with us, or not if we believe that you’re not there yet when it comes to our criteria. In that instance, you won’t continue your journey with us but you will be provided feedback on areas of improvement so if you wish to reapply after 2-3 months, you’re welcome to do so. We are always welcoming reapplications!

Yes! These 2-weeks of Brine will be paid. And, if you pass our application process, we believe that you have the potential to work with us!

After you pass Brine you will work with our team of creatives from around the globe, handling projects from different customers and communicating directly with them.

Facts About Us

500+ Creatives

We are a fully remote company with 500+ Independent Contractors from around the globe.

Founded in 2015

We were founded in 2015 to provide a smarter, faster and more friendly service to businesses that need creative content.

4000+ Customers Served

We’ve had over 4,000 customers use our service and have executed over 2.5 million requests and adding more every day! That’s a lot of designs!

All-in-one Platform

built to facilitate requests, give revision feedback, collaborate and communicate, and manage files in one place.

I’m a graphic designer passionate about web design and social media design. I love to keep learning new design topics and tricks. I taught myself new tools like WordPress, Duda, After Effects, and Adobe XD. Currently, I have more than a year working in the company-, it is a great team!
I consider myself a helpful person and I am focused on finding solutions to every obstacle in life, even is not mine! I spend my free time with my husband and we enjoy chilling at home, visiting the family, or feeding kittens.
Before this, I spent almost a year stressed because my job was not secure, I had to travel about 2 hours every day to go to work and I would come back very tired to share dinner with my husband. I had a lot of debts and bills that kept growing every day.
Now, I have free time to visit my family, go shopping in the afternoons, and watch TV series with my husband! I take time to go to the gym at least three times per week, I work from home, all my debts are paid now and I’m saving money! That is definitely something that I couldn’t do before!
Hi! I’m Timmy, I live in the Philippines with my husband, kids, and 5 dogs! We love to check out nice cafes, walk around our neighborhood, and occasionally play Roblox as a family.
I’m a Product Marketer. I started my life in DP back in 2016 as a ‘junior graphic designer’. It was still a small company back then, with less than 50 Pickles, mostly from the Philippines.
Working in DP enhanced my design skills as I get to work in multiple disciplines, not to mention the number of requests per day that I need to complete! But I loved the challenge because I was able to do it alongside a group of talented designers! I was able to pay it forward by becoming one of the Instructional Designers for new hires. But how did I end up here in Product Marketing, you may ask? Opportunities open very swiftly and you can either just let them pass or grab them immediately! I chose the latter. There’s always a first time for everything if you just keep yourself open to learning – no matter how painful it is!
As a product marketer, my goal is to deliver our product updates in a timely manner. I’m also excited to keep on working on our quarterly product updates! Design Pickle did not only widen my network of fellow designers but also paved the way for me to aspire to experience things I couldn’t even imagine before for so many crippling reasons!
On a personal note, I’m really passionate about being a Mom! This drives me to be better at everything I do, whether it’s personally or on a professional level.
I’m from the Philippines, living with my family and 7 dogs. Both my parents and I were relieved and happy that I get to work remotely! When I started in DP, I really enjoyed being a designer -I even made it to Rookie of the year in 2018-.I continued my journey and eventually, I became a Team Coordinator.
I’ve witnessed myself grow, and luckily, now I lead a group of talented designers. I’ve worked hard and really enjoyed this role so much – -I was recognized twice as WOW Team Coordinator of the Year in 2019 and 2020-  I know  I don’t just like my job. I truly love it – Of course, it gets challenging at times! I just have to remind myself of my purpose-.
Design Pickle helped me get out of my comfort zone. As an introvert, I’ve always preferred working alone and accomplishing everything on my own, but Design Pickle inspired me to bring out skills I never knew existed. I never imagined that I would be able to speak in front of an audience, or even lead a team of talented designers and now I can make an impact on others and I can help them make their jobs much easier. It’s really heartwarming to witness myself and others grow, excel, and be recognized because of my role as a Team Coordinator.
I’m from Bogotá and when I’m not working, I’m usually spending time with my loved ones. I’m a huge geek, I love The Simpsons and I’m also a Batman fan.
I used to be a full-time workaholic, and I’m not proud of that at all! I had to learn the hard way that there’s more in life than your job. Before Design Pickle, in my previous job, things suddenly became a nightmare: I barely slept, I didn’t spend any of my free time with my loved ones or even taking time for myself, and it really ended up affected my health and my personal relationships.
I worked as a product designer with a company that produces and imports licensed products for kids, and despite how it affected me, I really enjoyed that job. Then, the pandemic hit and I didn’t have a job anymore. it was hard. I’m not going to lie, it was terrible. But then, I found DP and it was a blessing as it helped me learn the importance of good time management, and it was a blessing. God took good care of me.
Professionally speaking, working with DP felt 50 times more fulfilling than my previous job I think Design Pickle is an excellent place for people who chose a creative career as their life path, cause during the time I’ve been here it really has felt like following my dream career was the right choice after all.
I’m passionate about life. You only have one, so you gotta make it count. I try to help the people around me enjoy things as much as possible. Life is too short to worry about silly stuff, and God knows people around me help me too, by experiencing many different emotions and enjoying each day in a special way.
I’m from Puebla, Mexico, and have lived here most of my life, I’m a Team Coordinator and I‘m very passionate when it comes to managing my team, helping with what they need, and seeing them thrive and grow. It is indeed very fulfilling! Outside my job, I love going on walks, exercising, hanging out with friends, enjoying my family, and always doing new stuff, I also enjoy traveling whenever I can.
Design Pickle has been a huge support for me in very difficult parts of my life and has helped me grow a lot. It gave me the chance to lead in my own style and has made me learn and grow inside and outside the company. I look forward to continuing on this path.
Hi, I’m Beni, from the beautiful “Perla del Mar de Oriente” (Pearl of the Orient), Philippines! I’m currently a Recruitment Coordinator. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and took certificate courses in Web Design, Graphics and Print Media Arts, and Dressmaking.
I’m interested in almost anything related to creativity and I usually share this interest in my work and even my service to the community or the parish. Creativity is not only about art but also about having the ability to see things differently and how to thrive to make things better.
Outside of work, I’m an active member of Singles for Christ and Parish ministries. If I’m feeling a bit artistic, I create artwork for my Redbubble account. I’ve also published 2 coffee table books just for myself -for now-, just to test things out. In my downtime, I like playing games, may it be board, online, or arcade games. And I have my pet bettas and brine shrimps to keep me company.
Here at Design Pickle, I’m able to learn about different cultures in the comfort of my own home. It’s awesome to be able to practice different languages as well and to get to know the people I’m working with. Perhaps in the future, I’ll be able to see them in person. I can also save energy and time to do other things, like supporting our community or parish or taking online courses rather than spending it commuting. Plus, I’m also able to travel and work at the same time!
I consider myself passionate about honing and sharing my creativity where and whenever it is needed. I love traveling and experiencing what the world has to offer or teach me. I’m able to meet people along the way, know their stories and learn from them. With that, I also learn more about myself.
Industrial Designer from Mexico, Boney describes himself as a social introvert gaymer, he loves to travel and explore the world as well as learn new things and teach them to his loved ones.
I’m in charge of my own team with 9 designers from all over the globe who are amazing and really talented. Together we lead our potential to go above and beyond our customer’s expectations.
Before Design Pickle, having a remote job wasn’t on my radar because  I didn’t know that was even possible. In my previous jobs, my free time was limited since they always needed me to do overtime and even continue working on my tasks on the weekend. Those jobs were very toxic environments, and I was surrounded by gossip and discrimination.
Design Pickle respects my time, my identity, and my decisions. It has taught me how to lead my professional life following its core values, in order to create a friendly and enjoyable environment for my team, and me, where we have grown in both our professional and personal lives. DP has shown me that I’m capable of improving myself and it has enabled me to reach new professional heights I didn’t know I was capable of.
Now, I’m planning to start traveling around the world to learn from different cultures and create new connections with new people, with my environment, and with myself. I love being able to be open to new experiences and share them with my loved ones.